Monday, June 30, 2014

Sara Raft: Agent Of Nothing, Part 3

I woke up in... a hospital, where else? Anyway, It was a actually nice hospital. Lots of food, there were flowers, and my room had a window. It was nice. Everyone was nice too. They didn't try to talk bout what had happened, and talked to me.

There was a cloud hanging over the place though. My arms, which had fifty-nine cuts split between them. I had got out with one minute left. My arms also hurt like crazy.

You know how positive I am now? I wasn't then. I acted like the hospital was another prison. I didn't talk back to the nurses and doctors. I was silent... and miserable. The hospital, was just holding me back, from what I really wanted to do. I was going to Alaska... I'll tell you why another time.

Then one day, Jill came to visit.

"Hey..." she said. I didn't say anything. "How are you?" I was silent. "I just came to visit... you know, to make sure you were okay?" I still said nothing. "I'm sorry that it happened. You don't blame me, do you?" I didn't but I didn't tell her. "Well, um... I'll see you... when you get out?" the she left. I felt terrible later, but then I was just silent.

"Thank you... for listening.

"It's my job, isn't it?" says Dr. Warren Ellis. My shrink, I'm lying down on a couch while he talks to me. Yeah, I need a shrink. "Though there's something I want to tell you."

"What is it?" I say.

"Well, throughout that entire story you just told me, you kept switching... personalities. First you were dead serious, then you were more lighthearted, then you were serious again."


"That means you're trying to change yourself. That's not good, and most people who do that are trying to hide. Kinda like you're putting up barriers."

"That's... the stupidest thing I've ever heard." 

"I think its true."

"Can I go now?"

"No. First I want to do a exercise  with you."

"But I don't have any sweats." he just stares at me like I had just proved his point.

"I want you to describe yourself, like you had just met someone new... that's blind." I look at him, he looks kinda hipster. He's got glasses, a afro, and even a white tank top... which looks awful on him.

"Do I have to?"


"Fine. My name is Sara Raft. I am four feet, five inches tall. I have blue eyes, and auburn hair. My skin tone is a dark tan, and I have long fingers."

"Are you done?"


"OK... you sound like a zombie, but like I promised, my turn. My name is Warren Ellis, though I don't really look like a Warren. I'm bald (unfortunally) so I wear hats. I have green eyes, and tattoos that run all the way down my arms. One of them is a dragon. Do you see the difference, Sara?"

"Yes... can I go?"

"Fine." I get up, and walk out the door. Though I have to come back next week.

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