The story began a long time ago, but my small, part started in my father's office. This is where I came in, where I became a player. I had gone to my father's office to ask for... I... I do not remember, but it is not important. When I walked in though, my father had his hands on head. Almost tearing out his hair.
"What's wrong Dad?" I asked? He just looked at me. "I mean, Is anything wrong Father."
"Yes Katie... something is very wrong."
"Is there anything I can do for you?"
"I... I don't think so."
"Do you need to talk about it?"
"... You're a good girl. Do I tell you that enough?"
"Do you want to talk about?"
"... Last night someone hacked into our database and stole some government secrets."
"What kind of secrets?"
"Now Katie, if I told you... they wouldn't be secrets." My father, ever the jokester, but it kinda, I mean though it hurt he didn't want to tell me everything.
"Did they leave anything? Calling cards? Mistakes?"
"A video, here watch." he opened his laptop, clicked a few things, and then a video started to play. A man a appeared on the screen. He was tall, but had this wild look in eye, and a beard that wouldn't let you see his face. Then he started talking.
"Why helloooooo Mister President!!! And greetings from the rebellion!!! Thanks for the info, this is real juicy reading materiel!!! Don't know what I'm going to do with it but hey!!! The message got through to you. But we have another problem!!! You see when I/You/Your Government/not actually me but a small stealth team, nuked The USA I thought that'd be enough to start a World War 3! I was wrong though! You can expect more attacks from me/the rebellion! P.S. I found a US spy in my ranks this morning, I'd watch my back if I were you. Byeeeeeeee!!!"
I looked at my watch, he said that all in twenty seconds. My father just looked at me again.
"I think that just raised more questions, than answers." he said.
"Hmmm, about the spies: The United States said they didn't believe us about the rebellion, how is there spies then?"
"I really don't know. Where else could there be spies."
"Nobody knows."
"What is it."
"Why did you just... share all this."
"Because you asked." I gave him a stare that said everything.
"Because I have no one else. No one to talk to. No one to confide in. No one to share the burden of the crown with. Except you."
"How poetic."
"It's true." we were then interrupted by our butler, Bagely.
"Miss..." he said "It's time for your walk."
"I always walk alone."
"You're father said..." I looked at my father.
"It's very dangerous, especially now."
"But what if he's a sp..."
"Just go with him, please. For me."
"Okay." then I walked out followed by Bagely.
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