Monday, July 21, 2014

Sheath, Part 3

Sheath Awoke

She picked herself up off the bed, and headed for the window. Why? Because that was where the roof was. Quickly, silently she went out the window, and began to climb.

Wordless, Sheath made it to the roof unseen, people never look up. Sheath had learned this long ago. People only look forward to what they'll do in the future, or back to regret the past. Sheath was neither, Sheath was one who looked up.

She made her way to a corner off the roof. That was where she stashed her suit. A suit that Americans called "her ninja suit". In the dark of the night she changed into her suit, then she strapped on her sword. It's name translated into "Dragon Fang", supposedly it was a gift to humans from dragons. The dragons had made it out of a actual dragon fang. Sheath didn't believe it.

Quietly she ran toward the edge, faster, faster. Then she... jumped! Fearless she landed on the next rooftop. She jumped again, and again she landed. Then she did this again, and again, and again. No one saw her as she leapt right over their heads. She did this because she had a new client, waiting for her on a roof.

Sheath landed on another roof... right before her new client. Fisk Williams, Chicago's head crime lord. Yes, Fisk Williams was at the top of the crime business, but to stay there he had to knock others down. That was what Sheath was for.

"So..." he said "You have arrived." Williams looked like a crime lord. Big, and strong looking, with jet black hair and black eyes. He looked strong enough to squeeze someone in half.

"As you know, I am Fisk Williams." He continued. "And require your... skills." He waited for a answer, but got none. "Your target is a man named Calvin Brown. As of late he has risen to power, and I need someone to take care of him... can you do that... mercenary?" He said that like he despised the word, but Sheath nodded.

"Don't talk much do you? Anyhow you'll find a illegal money counterfeit operation in this warehouse."He handed her a piece of paper. "It belongs to him. See if he's there, and if not question his men." Sheath turned to leave, but he yelled at her: "You're not the only merc I hired! There's another! His name is Caliber!" She didn't listen and kept walking. Though she did hear him mutter: "God, I hate mercs."   

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