Friday, July 18, 2014

Sheath, Part 1

RINGGG!!! RINGGG!!! That's what I got to wake up to. A phone ringing, I probably wouldn't even have got up if it weren't for that. RINNGGG!!! RINGGG!!!

"'kay 'kay." I muttered, then I answered, it wouldn't stop until I did. "Whoizit?"

"Yukino I know you have caller I.D." it was my mom, Hisoka Pichelli.


"Did you just wake up?" Thankfully I did, just then.

"What? No, I've been up for hours." then I yawned.

"Uh-huh. Well, I was calling to see if you were excited?!"

"Yeah! Excited for what again?"

She just sighs. "Excited for the art auction? Tonight? The one you're selling art in?"

"Right... oh yeah!"

"Well I'm glad to have jolted your memory, but I have to go."

"Bye mom."


I rolled over to go back to sleep, the auction was at eight, so I was hoping to get some sleep. Then the hone rang again. RINNGGG!!! RINNNGGG!!! This time I actually looked at the caller I.D. It was my boyfriend, Matthew Anderson. He's engineer, good with numbers and all that. The most I understand about his job is that he builds bridges.

"Hey you." I said.

"Hey, I was calling to ask if you were excited. I'm bringing five hundred dollars just for you."

"That's sweet, but why does everyone keep asking if I'm excited? Of course I'm excited, why wouldn't I be?"

"You're mom woke you up again?"

"How'd you guess?"

"Lucky guess. Look I have to run into work, see you later. "

"I love you."

"Love you too."

"Bye." then he hung up. I rolled over trying to sleep, but I couldn't. I was already up so part of me said: "Go get some work done." and the other part said: "Go back to sleep." For better, or worse the first half won out, so I changed into my painting clothes and went into the studio.

I painted for about three hours. I'm working on this cool piece. Basically I'm painting these neon color bands, and painting them in patterns. When I'm done it should look like a human head, making a cool visual effect.

After that I ate some breakfast (cereal 'cause it was all I could afford.). Then I watched some T.V. (it was actually netflix on my cheap laptop.) Then I painted more, and after that... it was time to get ready.

And by get ready I mean throw a black dress on, and run a brush through my hair. Then I practically jumped out the door. I had five paintings I was selling, and I didn't need to be late. When I got there (in my junk car) Mom, Dad, and Matt were waiting for me. I walked up to them, and said "I'm here."

"There she is!" yelled my Dad. He's a pretty loud person, and looks it too. He's... big, but not fat. Has these seas blue eyes, and blond hair. The first thing I always notice about him, is his buzz cut, and how it makes his ears stick out. I don't know why he likes buzz cuts.

"Calm down George." That was my mom. She's Japanese like me, and has long black hair. Her eyes are a beautiful brown, and she's very thin. What you kinda notice about her is just how long her hair is, it goes below her waist.

Matt said "Which painting do you think you'll make the most off of?"

"I have no idea, I told him." Matt is thin and has brown hair, with green eyes. I think what you'd notice about him is that he has wrinkles on his forehead, he tells me it's because he thinks too much.

"Well I want the picture of the deer hunting the hunter!" said Matt. the picture was a humor piece I did.

"No! I want that one!" yelled my dad! Thankfully no one was paying any attention to us. While they laughed Mom walked over to me.

"I would really like the Japanese art homage." I just smiled to myself, I had painted that with her in mind.

"What time is it?" asked Matt?

"Time to go in!" yelled Dad, and so we did.

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