Thursday, September 18, 2014

War Of Dragons, Part 6

  I stood there looking at Darsk.  He was genuinely scared.  Even my offer to go with him didn't make him feel better, then I remembered something that I had seen on the news.  Something that could help us.

  "Look..." I told him.  "They're holding another press conference at the White House tomorrow.  Why don't we up pop then?"

"I guess that's good." he said, but then he had a question.  I could tell just by looking at him.  "Have you been spying on them?"

I don't why but that made me laugh.  "No, it's being shown on pretty much every news channel.  I think everyone on Earth knows." 

I swear I could see the gears turning in his brain.  "So... news crews will be there.  Meaning..."

"That people that aren't there will see us.  Beauty of the press."

  That didn't make him look better, that just made him look worse.

  "We better get to bed." he said.

"Alright."  then he walked away.  So I in turn, went back to my room, feeling I had made the problem worse.  When I got up in the morning, I found Darsk waiting outside my room. 

I just sighed.   "I'll get dressed."  All he did was nod.  So I walked back into my room, and threw on jeans and a t-shirt.  I was ready, or as ready as I ever would be.  I walked back out of my room, and he just nodded again.  He was still scared, and he didn't look like he had slept at all.  When we were under the entrance to the crater, I climbed on his back and we started to rise into the sky.  Neither of us said anything.  Both of us were silent and worried.  Both of us were thinking about what we'd say, and both of us were wondering if anyone would listen.

  We rose straight out of the crevice, and started to fly.  The cool air hit my face, and I realized it was the first I had been out of that crater in six months.  The I started to wonder.

  "Do you now where you're going?"  I asked Darsk.

"Why wouldn't I?" he asked.

"Just checking."  I said.  Then  kept thinking.  "Do you miss this?"  I asked him.

"Miss what?"

"Flying like this."  We were going almost a hundred miles an hour now!  Forget the Artic, we'd be there in seconds. 

"Yeah, I do..."  he replied.  "... but it makes me sad that some of the younger Dragons don't know how it is to really stretch their wings."

"Yeah."  I said, then I thought even more, about something else.  "I hope the other countries don't get into this."

"Are you kidding?!" he laughed. "With our luck this'll turn into World War Three, Dragons against the world!" 

  That actually made me laugh.  Then my thoughts turned back to serious.  "Have you thought about what you're going to say?"  I asked.

"I was actually hoping that you would speak for me."


"Well... I thought they'd be more likely to listen to you then me.  Because you're... another... you know..."

"Yeah, I get it."

"Well... you better think fast."


"Because we're landing."

  I hadn't been paying attention, but that's when I noticed the White House.  We had arrived.  The president was standing in front of the house, and I could here him from how high we were.

  "My fellow Americans..."  but that's as far as he got.  Because that's when we landed on the White House lawn!

"Oh my god!!!"

"Run!!!"  someone yelled!  But no matter what was said all cameras, and eyes were on us.

"My fellow Americans..."  I said  "... we have hijacked this conference.  Any questions?"

"Abigail?"  that one word came from two different voices.  Scott Terrace and Sophie Owlen.  I ignored Scott, figuring I'd talk to him later, but Sophie?  I ripped into her.

  "Sophie...  you @#$%@!" I said.  Everyone was quiet,  all eyes were on Darsk.  He was a fish out of water. 

  Then, Sophie spoke up:  "How dare you..."

"How dare me?!  How dare you!  You're the one that basically lied to us all!"

"That has nothing to do with..."

"It has everything to do with it!"  I yelled.  "You pretended to be our fri-coworker!"

"I was doing it to keep my country safe!"  she yelled!

"Safe form what?!"

"That!"  she waved at Darsk like he was something to be put on display.  It was a lot easier talking to Sophie than that huge silent crowd.  Even the president was quiet.

  "His name is Darsk!"  I yelled!  "And where did you even get footage of the Dragons?"

"I had cameras in my glasses!"  she said, matter of factly.  "Just one more tool to keep these people safe!"

"No it's a perk of being a government puppet!" I yelled.

"I am protecting my country!"

"From something that hasn't even attacked you?"

"Yet!"  she said.  "Yet!  People will feel safer knowing that monster aren't going to crawl out of the ground and eat them!"

"And it's all about your comfort isn't it?  You know the reason they're in that hole is because of people like you!"

"We need to know that something like Dr. Martin's death, won't happen again!"

"Dr. Martin was a @$$-hole anyway!  The Dragons need to know that someone like Dr. Martin won't come and lock them up in cages!"  I then turned to wide eyed audience.  "You here that?!  Dr. Martin was trying to capture Dragons to sell as weapons!  Makes you wonder what else the government is hiding!"

  Murmurs were going around now, and Sophie was furious about it.

  "We need to know that we aren't living in the shadow of evil!" she screamed.

  I looked at her, she not only sounded stupid, she looked it too.  "My god..." I said.  "You really think that?  That the world is black and white?  That good and evil actually exist?  Is that what they tell you?"  I waved at the president.  "There are no virtues on the table with this war."  I told her.  "Only the fear that the bigger dog will bite first."

  I turned to the slack jaw spectators.  "Chew on that."  I told them.  Then I turned to Scott  "Do you want to come back with us?" 

  All he said was one word:  "Yes."  So we then climbed up on Darsk and we started to rise into the air.  i turned on final time to Sophie:  "Don't let fear take over."  I told her.

  Though all she did was whip out a walkie-talkie and grinned.  "Bulldog, this is Commander Owlen, you have permission for takeoff." 

  The radio crackled in her hand.  "Roger that, Owlen."

"No fear..." she said.  "only fighter jets."  I could feel my eyes grow wider.  Now it was my turn to be silent, but not for long.

"Darsk, go!"  I screamed!

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