This story might make more sense if you read this
I wrote this because I felt I had characters that were thrown together. Characters that should've had a spotlight, but didn't. So this is the first of what I'm calling "Mini-Stories", stories that explore something other than what's going on in the original story. And what better place to start than the Villains! Villains need origin stories too! Now some of these stories will build to something bigger, some won't. But instead of worrying about that. Sit back, relax, and enjoy.
The Story:
Darkness. I am dead... was dead... why am I not dead? All I remember is... August Summers. August Summers tearing into me like an animal. Why is it so dark? Why am I not dead?
Suddenly, a plumage of flame rises up. I try to move, nothing. I try to yell, nothing. I don't feel anything, no heat. Why am I not scared? I should be scared, for I know who it is "Satan" I whisper.
The flame starts to twist and twirl at the sound of its name. It takes shape... a head, it takes the shape of a head.
"Yes. I am called by many names..." I didn't say that. It did. "But it is interesting you chose that one." I'm not scared anymore. Somewhere I find courage to speak.
"I am a product of my time."
"But of which time?"
"... I am of many." I'm talking to the devil. Why am I not scared?
"That is exactly why you are here. I shall be blunt. If you confess your sins to me. I will give you life."
"In exchange for?"
"You humans always want to know the catch. Fine. You will be a soldier in my army."
"An army?"
"An army for the right time."
"And if I choose not to accept?"
"Why do humans have obsessions with details? If you don't accept, your soul rots in the circles of hell. And you my friend, would be in more than one circle."
"If the circles are real, than you already know my sins. Why the need to confess?"
"To confess and accept your sins is to give up your soul. You won't have one when you go back to life. Now, enough questions! You must choose and I would do so wisely,"
"... I... accept."
"Splendid, Feng, apprentice of Long: Master Of Dragons, and Him: Lord of Darkness."
"Was Him one of your soldiers?"
"Explains the lifelessness doesn't it? Yes, that was... until you killed him. I can't bring back a person twice. There's not another soul to work with. Now... Confess already!"
I open my mouth to speak and a rush of cool air comes out. I know what it is.
"It started in... I've forgotten the year. Time has worn down on me for so long it has lost all meaning. My Master, Long, was working on his spell to steal Dragon power. I his apprentice had helped. Long had grown jealous of the Dragons power, and I... had grown jealous of him. One day he reached his goal, the one thing he had worked for all his life. The spell was right there, all one had to do was take it. Then I... I..."
"Justified to yourself that you deserved it more than him. After telling this to yourself you started to believe your own lies. Sad."
"I attacked Long, attempting to steal his work. I failed. Long cast me away, and soon forgot about me. So while he practiced his spell, while I began the search for a new master. It wasn't soon after that I found..."
"Yes him, he showed a new magic, one I'd never seen before. Dark Magic, and it was more powerful than Long's craft. I accepted his offer even... even when... even when we practiced on human lives."
"Your first and original major sin."
"...? Once, on a day the Great Wall was being built. I came across my former master. I watched and hid as he waved his wand and created a new room, within the wall! I continued to watch as he placed half of his very existence in his wand, left it in the wall, and finally, he sealed the entrance. Then he stumbled away, half the man he used to be. I immediately ran over and pushed the brick that granted entrance. There I saw it... Long's wand! Because I had helped to make it, I knew that the spell put the stolen powers into the wand! But as my hand reached to touch what was rightfully mine... a small bolt of electricity leapt out. shocking me. Long had placed spells to protect it. I left, deciding to come back at a better time. That better time as the next day, then the next,... then the next. Each day I came back and each day I got the same results.
Though over the course of those days... I reached a decision. One that drove me to madness... if I wasn't already. I decided to become immortal to wait out the spells. This spell was simple but also powerful dark magic, and all dark magic requires sacrifice. To extend the life of one, others must give theirs. Him was the first to die, 49 others followed."
"You have 51 major sins."
"...? I remembered everyone of them."
"Which just made it harder to cope with."
"I spent the rest of my life working low wage jobs, and visiting the wand every day. Time soon lost all meaning, there were only the moments between the next visit." I hear my self sigh. My tell is over. I hear the words
"Until August Summers! Who swooped in and took the dragon's power, and with it... the only reason I was immortal. I was furious, raging! I had sacrificed everything... only for this snot nosed kid to take it all! That's when I..."
"Made another decision."
"Yes, I cast a reveal spell on August, found out where he lived and... and..."
"Burned it down. With him and his family inside."
"Yes" I said quietly. "But him and sister lived. His parents..."
"Your 52nd and 53rd major sins."
"But still I wanted to hurt him more. So when I found his sister on the streets, I brought her to live with me. I lied to that poor girl for two years. Just to spite him. Those years were just a blur with another life in it. I never even got to know her. Then one night I confronted Summers and he... he... killed me."
Now I'm finished, I feel... empty. But the devil laughs and I hear him say
"Oh what an entertaining story! Now tell me: why could August kill if you were immortal?"
"I think you know why."
"I want to here it from your mouth."
"Grrrr... the spell only kept me from aging or natural causes.. Being killed by something or someone is different."
"Hmm... guess that spell wasn't very truthfull. Now hold still! The pain will be brief."
"What pa- AUGHHH!" My head explodes with pain! I feel like I'm being torn apart. Then... I'm put back together. The sun... is bright... I am alive."
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