Monday, August 25, 2014

War Of Dragons, Part 2

  "What do you mean Dragon Riders?"  Darsk didn't say anything.  "What catacombs?"  I asked.  "Could you answer me?"

"Please be quiet, the catacombs will answer all your questions."  He just stood there in front of the metal hatch.  Like he was thinking about how to open it.

"How are you going to open that anyway?"  I asked.  He just grinned at me like crazy.

"Oh... it's very complex."  Then he lowered his head, and...

"You wouldn't..."  I said.  Then He charged!!!  The hatch crashed down!!!  Now we could get in.

"Darsk!!!  Isn't someone going to notice?!"

"Eh, no one comes down here anymore.  Too many bad memories.

"That's the best excuse I've ever heard in my life."

"I'm clever like that."  So then we walked together into the tunnels.  They were long and narrow and cold and dark.  The place reeked of misery.  I looked at the ceiling, then the floor, then at the walls.  There were paintings on them.  Paintings, how did those even get down there?

  Darsk saw me looking at them, and told me:

"Those paintings were made when we first got down here.  Remember those questions you asked me earlier?"  I nodded.  "Those paintings should answer some questions."  I looked at him for awhile.  He seemed... off, a little grumpier.  No not grumpy... sad.  Like being in the tunnels was like being in hell.

Then I looked away and started to look at the paintings.  The first was of Dragons, they were in a field, and they looked... happy.  The next was of humans... attacking them.  Then the Dragons retreated into some caves.

  "So that's how you..." I said.

"Got down here?  Yeah, we're peaceful pacifists, or at least we are according to the council."  sadi Darsk.

  I looked back at the paintings, this time I saw a new story.  A boy was riding a Dragon, both looked like friends, they were happy.  In the next picture, the same boy was talking to the other humans.  Trying to convince them about Dragons, I guess.  The humans didn't looked convinced.  The final picture was of the boy... crying... kneeling over the same Dragon he had ridden... the Dragon was dead.

  "His name was Bran..." said Darsk.  "Him and Grod were the best friends I will ever see.  Bran tried to stop the humans, and well... you saw the results."

"I did but... what happens now?"

"Well... the council just told me to take you to the hatchery... they told me telepathically."

"Of course, is the hatchery where they hatch the eggs?"

"You catch on quick.  They need you to pick a egg."


"They want you... to become the next Dragon Rider."

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

War Of Dragons, Part 1

Authors Note:  This story might make more sense if you read "World Of Dragons" which can be found under the labels tag, and now our feature presentation.

The Story:

  Fear is the deadliest tool there is.  Fear of the unknown and the different can drive a race to killing its own.  I, of course, speak from experience.  I have seen the bloodshed fear can bring.  This is the story of the war between Dragons... and Humans.  With me in the middle.

  I sat in front of the TV, shocked.  Not only had I just watched America declare war on my new home... I had watched Sophie Owlen do it!  What else was there to do but turn to Darsk. 

  "Did that... just happen?"  I asked.

"I'm afraid so Abigail."

"What are we going to do?"

"I... I don't know."  He looked just as shaken up as I was, and its not easy to scare a dragon.

"Don't we need to tell the others?"  I asked.

"Y-yes, we need to tell the council."

"Do they make all your decisions?"

"Why yes.  How would you do it?  Have one dragon in charge?"

"I see your point, Dragons have enough power as is."  That's how it was with me and Darsk, no matter how bad things got, we always ended up teasing each other.  That's where the conversation ended though, because it was then we remembered what was happening.  So instead of talking, we silently walked down the hall of the Dragon's "Leadership Building."   The building was not only where the council worked, but where I lived as well.  Technically I'm a Human, Dragon ambassador.

  As we walked down the halls, I couldn't help but admire the building.  It was made out of Dragon Bone, which is actually the hardest materiel on Earth.  After a Dragons death, the bones are collected and used t make new buildings.  And Dragon fire is the only thing on Earth that can weld it.  At first I thought it was sacramental, but you have to remember that Dragons have  totally separate culture from humans...   sorry that was me in announcer mode.  Before the Dragons I used to make nature documentaries.  I really want to do one on Dragons.

  But then I had to stop admiring, we were at the council room.  Me and Darsk stood outside the doors, then he turned to me very serious.

  "The council is old..." he said.  "So old that their voices are gone.  Their voice boxes literally degraded.  So they speak telepathically.  I know you don't like them 'In your head' but it's the only way we can talk to them."

"Alright." I said.  Then a thought hit me.  "How come you can't use telepathy?"

"Only Dragons that are a certain age can access that part of their powers.  Now shhhhhh!"

  He pushed through the big wood doors, and I gasped!  Sitting in a circle around us, were the oldest Dragons I had ever saw.  Their scales had wrinkles!  Then, out I thought: 

  "Speak Darsk." but it wasn't me who thought it.  I mean... I thought it... but it wasn't me.  The council... put the thoughts there.  And yes, that's the best way I can word it.

"Council..." said Darsk  "We have a problem."  I looked closer at the council.  One was red, one was blue, one was green, and one was yellow.  They didn't look any different from the other Dragons, what made them fit to rule?

"Of what sorts?"  thought the council.

"The humans... they've declared war." said Darsk.

"This isn't unusual, they are always fighting each other."

"they've declared war on us." he said.

"Oh..." they thought "This was expected, but not quite so soon."

"What are we gong to do?" he asked.  I was staying quiet, just liked he asked.

"We will defend ourselves of course." they thought "But only when they attack us."

"You can't do that!  Countless Dragons could die!"

"Need we remind you that we are a peaceful race?  We will only defend."


"Our decision is final!"

"Of course council.  Should I tell the others?"

"No we will inform them later."  Then they looked at me like they had just noticed I was there.


"Yes council?"

"Take the human to the catacombs."

"You don't mean..."

"Yes another Dragon rider might help to mend wounds between Humans and Dragons.  Now go we have much to do."  Then me and Darsk left through the same heavy doors.

  "Are council meeting always that short?" I asked.

"Yeah they are always kinda busy."

"What did they mean by catacombs?"

"That's what I'm about to show you."  We turned down a hall, where I had never been.  We were quiet for a few seconds.

"Soooo..." I said.  "Why's the council in charge anyway?  I've just been wondering and..."

"Please stop talking!"  He said. "Thanks."  He looked around.  "What I'm about to tell you is something only Dragons know."  I nod, it says I'm listening.

"Ok so life is made of four elements, fire, water, earth, and air.  Those four elements somehow combine to create life, but we still don't know how.  What does this have to do with the council?  The council represents those four elements."

"Whoa... so what are their names?" I asked.

"No one knows.  Not even them.  They are so old they forgot, and any dragon that did know died long ago."

Then we stopped in front of a sealed metal door.  It was the first metal I had seen down there.

  "This is the entrance to the catacombs." he said.  "This should give some answers."

"About what?" I asked.

"The Dragon Rider."

Sunday, August 17, 2014


"Why's it so dark?!"  I yell into the darkness, no one answers.  "Where the hell am I?!"   My name is Caliber... I thought I was dead... killed by some ninja chick.  I like not being dead, but... why aren't I?  "Where the hell am I?!" I shout.

"Hell is exactly where you are Joseph Romita."  It looks like a plume of fire!  Rising out of the darkness, and taking shape... it's head!  A human head made out of fire!!!

"Are you the devil?"  I ask.


"Should I be scared?"

"Yes."  I gulp, I know what coming next.  It's what happens to all people that go to hell.  "So... what torture do I get?"

"No torture... yet.  Instead I have a deal.  You confess all your sins... and I give you life."  That's a easy question.


"That was quicker than the last one."


"Don't you want more details?"  The devil sounds confused.

"No.  So all I have to do is tell you how I screwed up?"


"Shoot!  Where do I start?!"

"How about... Vietnam?"  How did he know that?  I didn't want to tell him that.

"Oh..." I say "You don't want to hear about that."

"But I do."

"...Okay"  It feels like I had sold my soul.  "You ever hear... about what war can do to a man's morals.  Make him... do things he wouldn't normally do?"

"I'm familiar with it."

"That's what happened to me."


"I went into Vietnam, ready to do my country proud, and kick some @#$!  I was all gun-ho, but still hadn't seen combat.

  Eventually, I fell in love, with a nurse named Joyce Harpkins.  I loved her, every part of her.  How'd she listen and talk back.  She wasn't afraid to speak her mind, but was never harsh about it.  I swear that every boy in the army loved her, but I had won her.  We even made plans to marry once our tours were over.

  Then it all came apart.  One day, just one day... we were raided!  First time I killed, first time I was shot, but Joyce... she... she was..."

"Killed.  Killed in cold blood, and what did you do?"

"... I... I...  We were northern Vietnam, so I stole a jeep and drove to the nearest village.  Then I... killed them all!  And not just the men... the women.... and the children!  Innocents who didn't even know the raid happened much less have anything to do with it!"

"There are too many major sins to count."

"And I did it all for revenge!  I killed them in the same cold blood as Joyce!  I was... lost.  I didn't realize what I had just done, and I had no idea where to go from there.  So I ran.  There was a plane leaving that same day.  It was taking troops home who finished their tours... troops who had earned it.  I stowed away.  Trying to run from my past, but I couldn't

  When I had got back... I couldn't get a job.  I was afraid it'd show on my sheet that I was supposed to be in Vietnam.  That it would show I left my country.  I had run from my past, and it had followed.

That's when I made the decision... the decision to become a mercenary.  I don't remember my first assassination, all I remember is that life soon became a blur of bloodshed and money.  Though I do remember one thing... the night I died.

  I had been hired to kill a crime lord named Calvin Brown, and because of another merc he had flown the coop.  So I was just there to gather info, but the other merc was there.  A ninja chick.  I tried to kill her, it should have been easy.  I was a big man with a big gun, and she was a skinny woman with a sword.  I underestimated her.  I got cocky.  She killed me.  End of story."  The devil doesn't seem to notice how embarrassed I am.

"Bravo!  Bravo!  What a touching tale.  You are a walking tragedy."

"I kept my end of the deal."

"That you did.  Now hold still, the pain will be brief."

"Pain what pain!  ARGHHH!!!!"  I hear myself scream!  It feels like I'm being torn to pieces! Then it stops.  I look around.  The sun is bright.  I'm alive.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

The Unexpected Mistake

Chapter 1:

I’ve let the old man down again.  If he finds out...who knows what he will do.  He’ll scold me and will probably make me do extra muscle building exercises.  I may even get grounded for a few days, not long enough to keep me from doing it again though.
Old man Jack isn’t my actual father.  He’d just been taking care of me since I was born, just to clarify, they didn’t know right away when I was born.  I was found in the village just a short while after some foreigners came through our village.  The villagers said all I had with me when I was found was a blanket which I was wrapped up in, and a really weird letter that directly addressed the old man.
One of the only reasons I wanted to learn how to read, was because I wanted to read the letter I was left with.  I wanted to learn if it held any clues as to why they chose the old man to take care of me.  The letter went like this:

My dear old friend Jack,
I need you to take care of, and raise my child.  Because of circumstances I am forced to leave my child in your care.  Please don’t try to find me; it will only make matters worse for everyone than they already are.  The child’s name is Leonard Hellano.  I will come see him once things settle down.  Please raise him and teach him well in my absence.  Make sure he becomes a man I can be proud of.  Tell him again and again how sorry I am for putting him in this predicament.  Tell him I love him and wish him well.
Best of wishes,
  Mika Hellano  

I would read the letter whenever the old man was giving me a hard time, or when I was bored making me want to decipher something.  My mother, Mika, left me here for the vague reason of ‘certain circumstances’.  It was fine though.  The old man took care of me.  He’s pretty strict, but he always made sure that my bed was made and that I had food to eat off of my plate.
All of the people in my village were close, so if the old man wasn’t going to take me in, someone else might have risen up to the challenge, which was raising me.  The villagers said that my mom was one of the villagers a long time ago, but she went missing from the village around twenty years ago.  Eight years after she disappeared, I decided to add another mouth to feed onto the villages list of people.  I was the one hope that they had in a long time to prove that my mother, Mika was more likely alive than dead.
The villagers would nag me about how much I looked like my mother, but they didn’t especially like my personality because they reckoned it was from my father, who they sometimes called a demon.  That just shows how much they don’t like the fact that my father isn’t one of the villagers.  Most of the people in the village marry inside of the village, so there aren’t many outsiders.
Most of the villagers started meetings and rumors as to who my dad was.  Most of them were over the discussion of the old man Jack being my actual biological father.  The old man has short black hair, blue eyes, and glasses, and I apparently act a lot like the old man did from his early days.  The old man always went against all the rumors, but no one believed him because everyone knew that he liked Mika.  The old man said he had never been with a woman, one thing I chose to believe about him, which started a weird conspiracy that the old man was gay.  When I was young I used to go around calling him dad, but when the rumors started he started to fully enforce the fact that he wasn’t my actual dad.  He was always trying to get me to stop saying that, but when the rumors started he snapped.
I don’t really care who my dad is, no matter what anyone else thinks, I consider the old man my father, or at least the closest thing to a dad for me.
Speaking of bragging; the villagers still brag about how much I look like my mom.  Whenever the villagers described her, I would look into the mirror, “Wow, if what the villagers say is true, I really do look like my mom.”  One of the villagers had a picture of her and, I must say, she was really pretty.  She had thin red hair and deep dark green eyes.  I also have dark green eyes and thin red hair.  She always had her hair short, but I always thought it was a pain to keep on cutting it, so I just let it grow out.  Now I keep it tied back with a white ribbon, which apparently looks hot, says the girls anyway.  I also have small black strips of hair that creep in with my red hair.  I guess my dad had such heavy black hair that some of it decided to creep into my looks.
I want to meet my parents myself before I make my wild predictions of how I think of myself public.  I’m the kind of guy that needs to see every miniscule little detail myself before I can do anything thinking wise, otherwise it’s all superstitious jumble.  Just one of the many reasons I suck at history.
I don’t mean to be rude by calling Jack an old man because he really isn’t that old.  He said something about being in his late thirties or something the last time I asked.  I’m only twelve, so thinking of how many years it’s going to take before I reach that old seems like a really long time to me.  Redoing my life one or two more times would put me at his age, and that seems kinda scary, more diapers and baby puke.  
Most of the people in our village are teenagers and adults.  There aren’t many old folks or little midgets because our village is surrounded by the forest.  They think the environment isn’t suitable for those with a low immune system.  Personally, I think it’s nice in our peaceful little village.  All of our houses are self-built, made out of wood.  There’s always a nice cool breeze passing through, which some thinks is a pain.
Our village is one of the only peaceful villages left in this world.  A large portion of the other villages, towns, cities, etc. are full of magic academies and training areas.  Magic potential was given to select people around two thousand years ago.  As a gift or a curse, who knows, but it’s here.  Another reason our village is small is because all of the people above thirteen don’t have any magic potential granted to them from their parents, and only rare people with great luck are blessed by an otherworldly being giving them limited potential.
Until someone reaches the age of thirteen, a person’s magical potential is locked up within your soul.  If a test proves you do happen to have a scrap of magical potential, you get sent to a professional school that also serves as an official magic potential training program.  The old man didn’t have any magical potential whatsoever, so he came back to the village.  He got really agitated because he was hoping to have at least a shred of magical potential.  Out of his anger, he decided to become a professional martial artist, at least he could still help the world without magic.  He says he’s happier now than he ever could have been in a boring training school.
Since the old man is a martial artist, he teaches the kids in our village, mainly to prep them for their magical potential fighting test.  Since I live with the old man, I naturally have a more strict training regimen.  The old man says I have a nice build now, but it isn’t extremely noticeable which I think is a little disappointing.  I don’t especially want any more of a build because it was a pain getting into the one I am in now.
I look forward to the stupid, hard-headed people from other villages that come out into the woods to hunt.  If they’re in their teens they always pick a fight with me.  I love the look on their faces when I wipe the floor with them.  If it’s an adult or cool-headed person, I go hunting with them.  If the old man found out about the fights in the woods, mainly because it happens on a regular basis, he would make me do extra muscle training exercises.  He once found out I was in a fight and threatened to send me to a school.  I was turning twelve back when he said that, now, soon, I’m going to be thirteen, at which point I won’t have a say in it if I have to go to a school.
One day before someone turns thirteen, they have to go stay at the magic potential training school closest to where you live.  You then stay there in a room until you almost turn thirteen, at the precise moment you turn thirteen, you have to be in a testing room.  Immediately once someone turns thirteen, it will show up on the monitors set up that are connected to your body.  If someone’s magical potential is high enough, it will show a visible sign.  There are three different areas of magical potential that a person may have.  Hale (healing) type, if the potential is high enough the plant in the room will experience different effects based on the sub-class.  Denal (defensive) type will create a barrier which will block the monitors from gathering data, a different shape and colored barrier will be created depending on the sub-class of the person.  Hellfire (attack) types will have something in the room begin, or fully, be destroyed.  Depending on the sub-class within the magic area, a different type of thing will happen.  Such as, the plant will get tougher and stronger, or grow, the barrier will envelop the body or just cover the front, and lastly, something in the room might melt, disintegrate, or explode.
The nearest town was a few miles away so the old man had to take me to the school.  Our village doesn’t have any transportation so we were forced to walk.  Since my birthday is in the fall there was at least a nice breeze blowing around.

A Hale was in our village at the time I was found, so they decided to have a look at me.  Every person has to know their birthday because of the despicable magic potential test.  Since I was found not knowing my own birthday, a Babe Hale came to find out exactly what time, place, and day I was born.  A Babe Hale’s sole purpose is to find out the exact time, place, and day an orphaned baby was born.  I completely forget the time, but that’s what my old man is for.  He remembers things like that for me so that I don’t have to struggle with all of that memorizing stuff.  The Hale said that the place where I was born was forced into the creeps and crevices in my soul so that they could never be uncovered.  It was most likely forced down so that my parents could never be found.  There are hardly any orphans so Babe Hales are hardly handy.  This makes my life pretty strange.  My past is like a maze, and only the ones who created it can solve the complicated puzzle.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Sheath, Epilogue

  I got home at 1:03.  It was dark, and I had returned the bike.  It was just enough time to get some sleep before work... if I could still go to work.  I shared a mind with a ninja.  I'm pretty sure I'd be a danger to anybody else.  My mind was reeling, and I couldn't stop shaking.  What did this mean?  Why didn't I already know this?  How could I not know that a ninja lived in my head?

  Suddenly the lights flicked on... and I hadn't turned them on.  There... on my couch... was a woman.  A woman with brown hair, and eyes that radiated authority.

  "Yukino Pichelli..."  She said.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"My name is Sara Raft..."

"Sara Raft?!"

"...and I want you to help me."

"Wait... what?"

"I want your help."

"I just killed a man."

"We  can help you with Sheath."  Everything was quiet.

"How'd you know?"

"That's not important.  Will you join?"

"Join what?!  To do what?!"

"Read the email."

"O.K. I really don't want to say this again, but 'what?'"

"On your phone, read the email."  I unlocked my phone, and read.  I could feel my eyes growing wider, bigger.  This... this was bad.

"You-you want me... to help with this?"

"That's the size of it."

"I... I'll do it."

"Good now get some sleep.  You have work at 9:00"

"I'm not even going to ask how you knew that."

"it's better that way."

  Then she left through the door, and I... I fell back onto the couch.  Then I reached over to the table, and grabbed some papers.  Sara had... paid my repo.  I was sold.  Though I still had one question:

"Was Sara Raft... just in my house?"

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Sheath, Part 8

Sheath Awoke

  And quickly got dressed.  For tonight was different, tonight was the night she killed Brown.  Sheath knew she couldn't use rooftops to get to her destination.  So instead of climbing out of the window, she ran all the way down the stairs of her apartment.  Soon she was in the streets and searching.  It felt... unnatural for Sheath to be out in the open.  Everyone staring at her because of her clothes.  She wanted to shrink back into the shadows... or kill them all.

  Then, she finally found what she was looking for: an empty street... and a lone motorcycle.  Sheath was looking for a car, but this it would have to do.  She had already wasted enough time.  quickly she she tried to start it without a key , and after three tries... she was off!  No one noticed, but now... but now Sheath was a petty thief.  No better than a rat, but she would make it right.  She would buy the man a new motorcycle.

  Brown's safe-house was all the way in the countryside.  This told Sheath what kind of man he was.  he was one that took risks.  In the country his safe-house would be hard to find, but is something happened to him and his bodyguards... no one could get there in time.  That was what Sheath was counting on.  the rest of Sheath's ride was quiet... and thoughtless.  Even her mind was silent.

  When she finally rode up to the house, she noticed two guards outside.  Stashing the bike in the bushes, she drew two shuriken.  She aimed, and THUNK!!! THUNK!!! The two guards fell with two tiny, shiny, metal shurikens sticking out of their necks.  Then she walked into the house, going for the man they had guarded heir lives with.  The inside of the house was no different from the outside, small, and messy.  A T.V. flickered from the living room.  It was not the place you'd expect a crime lord to live in.  You would not expect the man watching the T.V. to be a crime lord either.

 He was a tall, and skinny man.  With brown eyes, brown hair, and crooked glasses.  He wore a t-shirt and jeans.  It seemed misdirection and simplicity was his disguise, but that was Brown.  She drew her sword and crept closer.  But he saw her, he smiled and said with a ice cold voice:

  "A ninja?  Williams must be running out of mercs."  WHUNK!!! Sheath fell to the floor with a stabbing pain in her head!  A guard stood over her, while Brown taunted:  "Do you really think that I don't check my sent mail?  the minute you sent that to yourself I knew you were coming!  Anyway...  nighty night!  Knock her out!"  Even more pain, and everything was dark for Sheath.

Yukino Awoke

  I woke up in...   god knows where!  it looked like someones attic.  For a moment I sat there... then it dawned on me.

  "Oh my... OH MY GOD I'VE BEEN KIDNAPPED!!!" I thought!  I still couldn't talk, it hurt to much.  Then slowly I looked down "Why the hell am I wearing a ninja suit?" I thought.  That's when I really started to look around the small space.  There was only one other person, but... he looked like a guard, not a captive.  I kept quiet.  He had his back turned to me, and had a sword on his hip, but he didn't look like he knew how to use it.  I did.

  Quietly I got up,and sneaked behind him... then I grabbed him by the face, and held him until he knocked out!  So I picked up the sword, and went quietly downstairs.  I still had no idea where I was, but I saw a T.V. blinking from a living room.  My breathing was heavy and my palms sweaty, but I tried my best to sneak over there.  I was seen.

  The man on the couch yelled:  "Guards she's up!" his voice was cold.

"What are you talking about?"  Then I was hit from the side, and I flew across the room!  The man was standing now, and a thug stood over me.  I can't tell you how scared I was.

"I'm sorry dear, but you can't leave just yet."

"What are you talking about?!"

"Oh... so you talk now?"


"Why don't you tell me why you're here... mercenary? "

  I was quiet... what had he called me?  The thug leaned over:  "Can I kill her now?"

"Go ahead."

  I started to shake, but I remembered my training.  I pushed off, and slid right across the floor into the thugs legs!  Knocking him to the ground!  I jumped up, but he was all ready standing!  He threw a punch, and I blocked it!  Then he lifted a leg and kicked him in the side.  While he recovered I punched, and punched, and punched, and punched!  My hands were a flurry of fists hitting his face!  Then he fell over, unconscious.

  The man just stood there.  "Guards!" he yelled, and three more came in!  I was shaking worse now,  I could take one not three!  My heart raced faster and faster.  I closed my eyes.

Sheath Awoke

Sheath grabbed the arm of the nearest goon, and threw him straight into another!  While they fumbled around, the other rushed her!  But she drew her sword and stabbed!  He fell.  One of the other two got up, and threw a punch!  Sheath blocked, but then he kicked her legs out from under her!  He tried to stomp, but Sheath rolled out of the way, jumped up and stabbed!  He fell.The final one looked at her, then looked at his boss.  Brown nodded.  The final goon rushed her, but Sheath jumped!  Right over him, and... stabbed his back!  He also fell.  then Sheath closed her eyes.

Yukino Awoke

  I opened my eyes, and I was standing over three bodies... with a bloody sword in hand.

"Oh... my god." I whispered.

"Y-you're not going to kill me... are you?"

  I looked at who had talked, Calvin Brown.  I looked at him, and I hated him.  Hated him for all that he had done.

"Are you?"

"No..."  his face lit up.  I closed my eyes.

Sheath Awoke

"I will." finished Sheath.  She stabbed, Brown fell... dead.  Sheath was done, and without any remorse.  She closed here eyes, and...

Yukino Awoke

   I woke up standing over another body


Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Sheath, Part 7

Yukino awoke

  Like I said before:  I went to bed happy and I woke up happy.  "This job interview is going to be great!" I thought.  "The interview's at ten, so I have... time."

I looked at the clock... it was nine! "Oh crap!"  I shouted!  BAM BAM!!!  My neighbors hit the wall!

"Shut up!"

"We have kids!"


"They don't need to hear that!"

"They're going to have to learn it sometime!"  Then the husband called me a bad word.

"And you're worried about my mouth?!"  That shut him up.  The nerve of some people... what was I saying before?  Oh yeah!  Now I had to get ready.

  I jumped into my room,  threw on a black dress, and brushed my teeth.  I didn't put on any make up though, it just feels really fake. Then I was out the door in under a minute!  I didn't even eat!  Good thing I wasn't hungry.  I was in the car and driving to the gallery.

  It wasn't far, but then something happened.  I thought "What if I don't get the job?"  It had been a fear that I hadn't thought about.  I didn't have any job skills.  I had always made enough money off my paintings,... and credit cards. The only job I had ever worked was McDonalds in high school.  That meant... someone else might get the job, and... where would that leave me?  Poor?

  Though I had to stop thinking about it.  I was there.  I stepped out of the car, and walked up to the door.  I stood there a moment... then I took a deep breath, and walked through the door.

The inside of the building was white, and quaint, just like the outside.  There was a woman sitting at a desk, and the walls behind her were covered with paintings.  The woman herself was tall.  That was really all I noticed,  except one thing.  Her nose, her long sweeping nose.  She was as intimidating as she was tall.

"May I help you?" she said, her voice was cold.

"I'm here for the interview."

"Ah yes... follow me."

I followed her into a small room off to the left.  The room was white with two chairs and a table.  I sat down on one end, and she sat down on the other.

"My name is Matilda Granov, and if you impress me,  I'll be your boss."  I gulped.  "So what makes you think you are qualified to work here?"

"Well... I can hang paintings, and make sales."  All she did was raise an eyebrow, and not in a good way.  "Actually I'm here because I'm a painter myself, and struggling with money."  then her expression softened.  She now looked sweet... and caring... like a grandmother.

"Tell me more."  she said.  So I told her... everything.  About the auction.  About the repo notice.  We had just met, and we were talking like life long friends.  Then she said:

"I'm so sorry."

"It's fine."

"... Are you willing to learn the ropes?"


"Welcome aboard!  You start tomorrow!"

"Thank you!  I won't let you down!"

"I know."

Then I went home... happy.