Wednesday, November 6, 2013
World of Dragon epilogue
Abigail was reading in her room when Y'Garr came running in, looking very tired for a dragon.
"Abigail turn on your magic box!"
"My what?"
"Your magic box that shows moving pictures."
"You mean my T.V."
"Yes whatever you call it," he said matter of factly. "Just turn it on to the American news."
"Alllright" said Abigail.
Abigail turned on the television and saw Sophie Owlen in very proper clothes at what looked like was a press conference. Except she wasn't watching the speech, she was giving it!!
"My name Is Sophie Owlen, and I am an agent of the C.I.A. Now six months ago I infiltrated a operation led by Dr. Zachery Martin to prove that dragons exist by making a documentary, even though Dr. Martin had ulterior motives to capture Dragons and sell them as weapons. The Dragons we found proved to be aggressive when one of them ate Dr. Martin and held a crew member as a prisoner." The crowd gasped at the news.
" When I gave The C.I.A. my report," Sophie continued "they sent another team to find the Dragons and find evidence that they were real and aggressive. Their mission was successful when another crew member was eaten. The eating was filmed. My course of action is to go to war with the Dragons before they become a threat to not just our country but the world."
Everyone watching clapped and cheered except for Abigail and Y'Garr. Abigail was shocked that shy and quiet Sophie was a federal agent. She probably wasn't that shy and quiet in real life. It was all an act so Dr. Martin wouldn't suspect her!!
Just then the President came to the podium and spoke, "After reviewing the footage Miss. Owlen has provided for us. We have concluded that this threat is in fact real, and as of now America has declared war on the Dragons. God bless America."
He left the podium. All the reporters pressed forward. All trying to shout their question the loudest.
Though the president ignored them.
Abigail fell backward on her couch. Hands on her hands trying to comprehend what just happened. Then Y'Garr said, "Th-This is not good."
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
World of Dragons part 5
Scott woke up in a cell. He looked around saw the others. All looked grimly at him. All except Dr. Martin who looked excited, and kept muttering
"They are real. They are real..."
Scott was about to ask what happened to him, when the dragon who had found him came in.
"My name is Adain."
The beast said. Somehow without opening his mouth.
"Now I have some questions, first being: who are you? Second being: Why are you here?"
Scott looked around, Sophie was petrified, Abigail was also looking scared, and Dr. Martin was still muttering. Scott opened his mouth to talk, but then Sophie spoke up.
" Aidain, my name is Sophie Owlen. My friends are Abigail Sobe, Scott Terrace, and Dr. Zachery Martin. To answer your other question: we are here to prove you exist."
Adain looked as if to say something, but instead he looked as if he was listening. Then he said:
"I have to go now I am needed elsewhere."
Then he left.
Abigail got up, and walked to Dr. Martin.
"Alright Doc we've kept calm through this interrogation. Even though we are all freaking out."
She growled in anger,
"That was an actual Dragon, and it had a name. Now I want answers. First thing what happened to the first crew?"
Dr. Martin sighed and said
"Fine you want answers I'll give answers. To answer your first question: the first crew was eaten."
Everyone was shocked that this man was willing to risk all this, but Scott spoke and said
"You wouldn't be willing to risk all this for a documentary. What are you really doing"
Dr. Martin said
"I was going to capture the dragons and sell them as weapons to the military. We were the scout team. You know to find the dragons before I came back down with hunters to capture them."
yelled Sophie
said Dr. Martin
That's when Abigail punched him. He passed out slumped on the floor.
Then a different dragon came in. Quietly he opened the cell and picked up Dr. martin. He looked like he was taking him somewhere else. That's probably why everyone was shocked when we swallowed him whole.
"Ewww horrible taste. That's why I swallowed him."
said the dragon.
"I guess I have to do the same with you three just like with the other humans."
Everybody started to panic and scream. The dragon flinched.
"There's no need for that."
"Sure there is."
yelled Sophie. Everyone kept screaming and yelling, and to be honest would have kept on going if it made the dragon not eat them. Though then Abigail yelled
Everyone did.
"That's better now I have a bargain for you dragon."
"What kind of bargain?"
"The one that saves lives."
"Yes. If you let us survive and let the other two go. I will stay here and live with the dragons."
"Like an ambassador?"
"I will have to check with the council."
"You do that."
The dragon left again. Sophie spoke up.
"Why did you do that."
"Because it was be eaten or stay. I chose stay."
"I should have done it,"
said Scott with his head low.
"Maybe you should. Maybe you shouldn't we will never know.
said Abigail.
That's when then dragon came back with another.
"The council has accepted your offer Abigail of Sobe. This dragon will take your friends to their homes"
Scott and Sophie got on the dragon.
"Bye Abigail. I'll miss you."
said Sophie
"It should have been me."
said Scott
"Whatever Scott. See you in hell."
said Abigail
The dragon with Scott and Sophie left. That was the last Abigail ever saw of Scott. The leftover dragon said
"Come let's get your quarters ready."
And as she followed him he said
"By the way my name is Y'Garr."
Monday, November 4, 2013
World of Dragons part 4
"Lucky jerk" thought Scott.
They kept on falling Scott could feel the cool cut of the wind on his cheeks, and the flaming warmth of the flaming helicopter pieces. Then all of a sudden Scott hit a down draft. He started falling faster and faster. He could felt like he was being torn apart. Then He landed in the bottom of the crevice with a loud CRUNCHHHH, and everything went dark.
Scott woke up. Everything was fuzzy, and he had a dry taste in his mouth. He looked around. He was in a what looked like a rain forest.
"T-Th-That's not possible" he thought.
"I'm in the bottom of a crevice, in the middle of Antarctic. There should be ice, not trees."
He tried calling out.
"Sophie, Abigail, Doc where are you?"
But it came out.
"Tiffophie, Bbbgail, Roc, there were ya."
He tried to get up, but fell with a THUMPP.
So he tried get up again this time more slowly. When got he got up he realized just how tired he was, but being a little dumb after he hit his head, he stumbled off in a random direction.
After hours of stumbling around, getting more tired with each hour, he came across a entire city. It was huge, so huge he felt like an ant. Every building was taller than the Empire State Building.
"What could live in buildings like these?" he thought.
That's when he looked up. There were dragons everywhere. They all had different colors, shapes and sizes. Each was unique. It was breath taking. He Scott Terrace had found dragons, and one had found him. He turned around and found a huge green Dragon breathing down his neck. It had no wings, but huge spines on it's back. It was studying him with a quizzical look, but Scott didn't notice this, he yelled so loud the dragon jumped back in fright. Then everything went dark. Scott had passed out again.