If only the world was normal. Everyone says the world is normal, but the thing is, there is no world. Humans have been drifting in their own separate cabins for years and years to come. Hopping to find another habitable world.
Cabby, a young girl only 5 years old, has her own cabin. Her parents floated of one day and said their last words, "we will come back for you, but in the meantime find peace and hospitality. Do that for me." When her mom finished that sentence flew away and plummeted down. This was back when she was an infant. Only 1 years old.
Since she didn't have her parents to teach her anything she taught it to herself. She has bundles of plans for escaping, but can only be performed when she landed.
Most children learn how to speak and walk at 8, but since little Cabby was all alone, that's the only thing she could think of doing.
Other children came over with their mothers so she could have company, but she was the only 5 year old who could cook, clean, make food, walk, talk, or even bathe. She felt alone...and that's how she's always been.
When Cabby was 17 she could pilot and control her cabin. While everyone else was at a club or meeting, she went at full speed and sped of; away to freedom. But something she didn't know was that when she was going to her original home, it wouldn't at all be the same.