Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Dragiolf (it's about a god, and it was for school)

            The mixtures of animals have come to an end in Dragiolf’s rain.
            When the dinosaurs ran the world the extinction came.  When the asteroids fell, one carried a dragon.  When the asteroid hit a dinosaur it burst open.  For 2,000 years the world has changed.
            The dragon was raised how to hunt like a lion, dig like a dog, purr like a cat, and to howl like a wolf.  That’s how Dragiolf was born.
            Zeus saw the amazing creature and asked for its name.  Dragiolf had never been taught how to speak before, so Dragiolf had no response.
            Zeus took Dragiolf to mount Olympia to teach her how to speak.
            After two years Dragiolf could understand all English, but sadly couldn’t speak it.
            Zeus made Dragiolf his new pet, and the goddess of animals.  Zeus gave her, the power to transform into any animal and/or creature, how to make animals extinct, and how to make new animals appear out of thin air.
            In the first meeting Poseidon said, “The ralmoes have gone wild and are heading for us.”  Ralmoes are creature’s half lion and half bunny who kill anyone with flesh and blood.
            They decided a plan to attack them when Dragiolf entered the room to get in on the meeting.
“Who is that?” Hera asked.
“I call her Dragiolf, my pet and the goddess of animals,” Zeus said.
“But she cannot talk and you cannot go around giving powers to strangers,” Hera said furious.
            Zeus floated above the ground when he realized he had done something terribly wrong.
“She may be able to help with the ralmoes.  If she does this one task she will live with the gods, but if not she is sentenced to the under-world,” Poseidon said.
            Dragiolf nodded her head in agreement.
            She created an army of new animals to help her fight, then the ralmoes charged to mount Olympia for juicy flesh and tasty blood, but when the head ralmoes, Rango, saw Dragiolf he couldn’t fight.
            Even though she was a larger mixture of animals then he was he still fell in love.
            Dragiolf took form of a ralmoes and attacked.  Dragiolf wanted to be a goddess and a pet of Zeus.
            Rango surrendered and he stayed up with the gods for two days before they fell in love.
            Dragiolf agreed to be with him and the ralmoes while still being a goddess with Zeus.
            Whenever she was offended by another she would attack them, and Dragiolf always attended the god/goddess meetings at mount Olympia.
            She had 5 kids, 3 girls and 2 boys.  Each didn’t have 1 animal factor of their mother, Dragiolf, and all of them had bunny like their father Dragiolf.

            She was good and bad to the world, but fulfilled her dream, passion, and she fit a love life in there to.

Monday, June 3, 2013

World of dragon part 2

Scott thought for a bit of time. He thought about wether this was a prank or not for example ,and what felt like millions of question never to be answered. He then finally sat down to sign the contract. "This is pretty basic stuff." thought Scott. "It basically says that if I die or am injured. Me or my family can't sue the crap out of Dr.Martin." Scott reasoned that since his only family was his cat it was okay it coudn't sue ,and after that frightning and confusing ordeal Scott turned to the infomation page. The page was pretty simple it was just a physical look page ,but it was hard to write for Scott anyway. You see Scott was a person who had troubles talking about his looks. For example if Scott wrote he had blond hair he felt like he was bragging that blond hair was better than brown hair. So after an hour of feeling uncomfortable heres what his page looked like.

Name: Scott Terrace

Weight: 156 lbs

Hair color: Blond

Eye color: Green

Skin color (choose light, tan ,or dark): Tan

Age: 25

Scott looked over this one more time, drove ,and passed out on his bed without eating.

Scott was running through a dark jungle. There were others too ,but one by one they were eaten by a giant lizard. Scott didn't care though ,all he could think survival. Just then he felt himself being scooped up ,and sharp rocks coming at him from all sides. Just when he figured out he was being eaten everything was dark.

                   THE END...?